• High yielding awned winter wheat
  • Suitable option for either graze and grain recovery or early sowing in a grain only system
  • AH quality in WA
  • A higher yielding alternative to EGA Wedgetail and LRPB Kittyhawk
  • Quick-mid winter maturity, 2-3 days quicker than EGA Wedgetail
  • Improved resistance to stripe rust and black point over EGA Wedgetail
  • Excellent powdery mildew resistance

Breeders comments

Today, Western Australian growers are seeking safe and reliable early sowing options to take advantage of early moisture, manage frost risk, and/or fill the autumn feed gap in mixed farming enterprises. The introduction of a winter wheat variety provides growers with an opportunity to manage these requirements within and across their farming systems.

Released in 2018, Illabo was the first variety to be released from our dedicated winter wheat breeding program in Wagga Wagga. Illabo is a quick-mid maturing, AH quality winter wheat that provides a safe agronomic package to take advantage of early sowing opportunities.

Winter wheat varieties, including Illabo, require a period of cold temperatures (vernalisation) before moving from vegetative to reproductive growth. This maturity trigger allows Illabo to be sown early in the cropping program without bringing the reproductive window forward. Early sowing and long vegetative periods of winter wheats such as Illabo allows for the production of valuable dry matter to provide ground cover and fill early feed gaps.

To maximise grain only yield, Illabo appears ideally suited to an early-mid April sowing in high yielding environments of the Great Southern and South Coast, and where early moisture is available in low rainfall environments of the eastern wheatbelt. When sown in early-mid April, Illabo has the potential to deliver yields comparable to timely sown spring varieties.

For full details download the Illabo fact sheet

Seed Availability

Please contact an AGT Affiliate or your local retailer for seed.

Click here for AGT Affiliate contact details.

Illabo can be traded between growers upon the completion of a License Agreement as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing™ initiative.

Click here for Seed Sharing™ information.


Illabo is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.

Illabo growers will be subject to a Grower License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $3.50/tonne + GST must be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.