• Very high yield in the northern region, outperforming leading variety DBA Lillaroi
  • Excellent grain quality, with ADR quality classification
  • Mid-season maturity, similar to Caparoi and DBA Bindaroi
  • Very good physical grain characteristics with low screenings
  • Excellent disease resistance package, including an MR rating to stripe rust

Breeders comments

Westcourt (tested as AGTD090) is our first durum variety specifically bred to perform in the northern durum growing region. Since relocating our durum breeding headquarters to Narrabri, our aim has been to develop durum varieties that offer significant yield advantages over commonly grown varieties while maintaining the high levels of disease resistance and grain quality that the northern region is known for.

We believe that Westcourt has achieved these aims, offering a dominant package of yield, disease resistance and grain quality. Across northern NSW and southern Queensland trials, Westcourt has consistently out-yielded leading durum variety DBA Lillaroi, setting a new yield benchmark for durum varieties adapted for the northern region. Westcourt also offers a similar grain size and disease resistance package as DBA Lillaroi, but offers one significant advantage; Westcourt is moderately resistant to the current stripe rust pathotypes.

Westcourt is a mid-season maturing variety and will suit planting dates towards the front of your durum program, from mid-May onwards depending on local conditions.

The naming convention we use for our durum varieties is Melbourne Cup winners, with ‘Westcourt’ winning the famous race in 1917.

For full details download the Westcourt fact sheet

Seed Availability

Please contact an AGT Affiliate or your local retailer for seed.

Click here for AGT Affiliate contact details.

Westcourt can be traded between growers upon the completion of a License Agreement as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing™ initiative.

Click here for Seed Sharing™ information.


Westcourt is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.

Westcourt growers will be subject to a Grower License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $3.50/tonne + GST must be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.