• An elite yielding APH variety in early sown trials
  • Mid-slow spring wheat, best suited to end of April-beginning of May planting
  • APH quality classification with low screenings and high test weights
  • Excellent lodging resistance
  • Alternative to LRPB Lancer, LRPB Stealth and other earlier sowing options
  • High relative yield in the presence of crown rot

Breeders comments

Coota made its mark in southern NSW, but has proven its ability in the north, a consistently high yielding APH variety in the NVT early sown long-term analysis (2017-2021). With a maturity and plant height very similar to LRPB Lancer, but with more than 10% higher yield, Coota looks to be a great option for growers wanting to step up to the next level of profitability. Coota has a wide sowing window, achieving competitive yield levels from late April to mid May.

By combining excellent grain size, short stature, low black-point risk and adaptation across different soil types, Coota is a variety that can be relied on to perform.

Unlike taller varieties EGA Gregory, Coolah and LRPB Flanker, Coota has very good lodging tolerance, similar to, or better than LRPB Lancer.

The yield performance, physical grain quality package and agronomic traits of Coota give it flexibility across high and low yield potential zones, and a wide planting window. High grain yield potential, compact plant height and tolerance to lodging make Coota a good option in high rainfall, high input and irrigated environments, whilst it’s excellent grain package can help in minimising risk in less favourable conditions where screenings can be an issue. In AGT crown rot evaluation trials at Narrabri, Coota has demonstrated an ability to maintain high yield in the presence of crown rot, similar to or slightly better than LRPB Lancer.

For full details download the Coota fact sheet

Seed Availability

Please contact an AGT Affiliate or your local retailer for seed.

Click here for AGT Affiliate contact details.

Coota can be traded between growers upon the completion of a License Agreement as part of AGT’s Seed Sharing™ initiative.

Click here for Seed Sharing™ information.


Coota is protected by Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) and all production (except seed saved for planting) is liable to an End Point Royalty (EPR), which funds future plant breeding.

Coota growers will be subject to a Grower License Agreement that acknowledges that an EPR of $3.60/tonne + GST must be paid on all production other than seed saved for planting.