142 results:
- About Us
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is Australia's largest plant breeding company, and the market leader in wheat genetics.
- History
AGT started out its life in 2002, focussed on breeding wheat for South Australia. We have been growing ever since, and over time our goals have expanded to include multiple crops nation wide.
- Shareholders and Board
We are owned by a combination of public and private research and development agencies whose aim is to deliver value to growers, the grains industry and the broader community.
- Our Varieties
Our work at AGT is a search for the exemplary. An intensive process of inter-crossing, field and laboratory experimentation, data collection and analysis, and genetic selection over many years culminates in the creation of each of our new field crop varieties. This exhaustive and innovative process leads to new varieties that improve the profitability, sustainability and prosperity of grain growers all over the country.
- AGT Affiliates
Seed production and distribution of our varieties is managed through a network of professional seed growers, processors and distributors known as AGT Affiliates.
- Seed Sharing™
We are passionate about getting new genetics into the hands of growers who can benefit from it. One of the ways we have made seed of new varieties available to growers faster and cheaper is through Seed Sharing™.
- PBR and EPR Information
All you need to know about Plant Breeders Rights and the End Point Royalty system.
- Research
Ongoing investment and research into the science of breeding and plant agronomics is fundamental to our goal of delivering improvements to the Australian cropping industry.
- Plant Breeding Research
We are proud of our scientific achievements at AGT. Our staff not only develop better varieties for Australian farmers, they also contribute to the body of plant breeding science that benefits all of the globe’s citizens.
- Careers
If you enjoy seeing your work have real world impact, and you like science or agriculture, we may have a job that is perfect for you.
- Education
We are committed to the education of tomorrow's plant breeders and researchers. We provide teaching, mentoring and project supervision in partnership with local research and teaching agencies.
- AGT moves into barley breeding
Cereal growers are set to reap major benefits from a decision by the country’s largest wheat breeder, Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), to move into barley breeding.
- News
- Sourcing Seed
We want to make it easy for every grain grower in Australia to enjoy access to seed of our improved varieties.
- EPR Rates
A summary of EPR rates for all plant varieties owned by AGT.
- Forms and Licenses
If you require any forms that are not available on this page, please contact us.
- Variety Support
- Plant Breeding & Research
- Quality Testing
- Sponsorships & Collaborations
We are proud to provide support through sponsorship to grower groups, and collaborate with many research agencies.
- Agronomic Research
We don't just use cutting-edge science to breed improved varieties, we also use our technologies and skills to add further value to the industry through agronomic research.
- The Science of Plant Breeding
Each year, our people create and test millions of potential new crop varieties; but only a very special few make it to release.
- Contact Us
From time to time, you may need to get in touch with us. Please feel free to contact any of our team.
- Plant Breeding and Research Centres
To make sure that what we do is tailored to each grower’s individual needs, we have breeding teams located in each of the major crop production zones of Australia.
- Disclaimer
We update this website as often as is practicable, but information can change rapidly and we do not guarantee its accuracy at any time.
- Privacy Policy
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) regards customer privacy as an important part of our relationship with our customers. The following privacy policy applies to all AGT website users, and conforms to Internet privacy standards.
- Administration
- Scepter
Derived from leading variety Mace, Scepter (RAC2182) shares a similar adaptation profile to Mace, but offers increased yield and improved stripe rust resistance (in SA, Vic and NSW). Scepter may also be suitable for wheat on wheat situations due to YLS and CCN resistance.
- Beckom
Beckom (V06008-14) is a mid season maturing AH wheat suited to the medium-high yield potential environments of south west NSW, Victoria and SA. Beckom carries good resistance to acid soils as well as boron toxic soils, and suits mid season sowings.
- Mace evolves into higher yielding, more disease resistant variety Scepter
Wheatgrowers in WA, SA, Victoria and southern NSW have for some time been wondering what the next step on from the wheat variety Mace will be.
- Suntime wheat delivers early sowing option
Grain growers in the north can look forward to planting an exciting new, early sowing variety called 'Suntime', that fits the lucrative APH quality segregation.
- Beckom, the new low risk, high return variety for south eastern Australian wheat growers
New wheat variety 'Beckom' promises to provide growers through southern NSW, Victoria and South Australia with a very high and stable yielding, AH quality option to include into their 2016 cropping program.
- Sunlamb: New long season, dual purpose wheat variety offering improved rust resistance
New wheat variety Sunlamb should go a long way to providing many mixed livestock and grain producers with an awnless, dual purpose variety with improved rust resistance compared with most other dual purpose varieties.
- Sow earlier and lessen the risk of frost at flowering with Cutlass
Southern Australian growers who are keen to take advantage of earlier crop sowing opportunities, and want help in avoiding frost damage, will welcome the release of new wheat variety Cutlass.
- Australia’s largest plant breeding company to take on lupins
AGT is adding lupins to its breeding portfolio.
- AGT appoints Dr Haydn Kuchel Chief Executive
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has appointed Dr Haydn Kuchel as its new chief executive officer.
- Sunmax
With an APH classification and slow maturity, Sunmax (SUN714B) is one of the best planting options for the Northern Zone when there is an early break in the season. Sunmax is a long season spring wheat, slower in maturity than Sunbri and Sunzell but slightly quicker than Sunbrook.
- Coolah
Coolah (V07176-69) is a higher yielding and more disease resistant alternative to its parent, EGA Gregory. It is well adapted to environments across NSW and QLD, where it has performed well across a range of soil types. Coolah produces large and consistent grain size, resulting in low screenings loss and high test weight.
- New wheat variety Coolah to add sowing flexibility and improved disease resistance for grain growers
Coolah offers growers an alternative to the popular variety EGA Gregory.
- The History of Wheat Breeding in South Australia - Interview with Rex Krause & Gil Hollamby
An interview with wheat breeding legends Rex and Gil, on the history of Wheat Breeding in South Australia.
- AGT Actively Encourage Farmers to Access New Crop Varieties Using Seed Sharing
An initiative first developed by AGT, Seed Sharing™ is a licensed farmer to farmer seed trading scheme, making it easy for every grain grower to enjoy access to AGT varieties.
- Victorian Growers Receive Targeted Support From New AGT Marketing Manager Rob Harris
Rob Harris joins the Marketing and Production team at AGT to support Victorian growers.
- AGT Successful in Securing University of Adelaide Barley Germplasm
AGT's barley breeding programme set to get stronger.
- Coolah Wheat Becomes Even More Profitable For Southern NSW Farmers This Planting Season
Coolah wheat now has an APH quality classification in southern NSW.
- Cutlass Will Open Up Options for Southern NSW Grain Growers in 2018
Cutlass wheat now has an AH classification in southern NSW.
- Scepter Wheat Delivers AH Quality Classification for Southern NSW Grain Growers
Scepter wheat now has an AH classification in southern NSW.
- AGT Community Donations
Apply now for an AGT Community Donation of up to $10,000
- Longsword opens the sowing window in medium to low rainfall areas across Australia
AGT are addressing a gap in the wheat variety market with the release of Longsword, a new winter wheat variety specifically designed for medium to low rainfall environments.
- World Class Plant Breeding Facilities Due for Completion in 2018
The Roseworthy Plant Breeding Centre will increase the capacity of AGT to deliver superior genetics into the future.
- AGT Embrace Regional Experience With the Appointment of Douglas Lush as Northern Marketing & Production Manager
Douglas Lush joins AGT as Marketing and Production Manager in northern New South Wales and Queensland in February 2018.
- Coolah delivering great results for NSW in the face of a challenging season
Off the back of excellent yield performance in 2017, Coolah is set to be a popular variety for growers in NSW again in 2018.
- Clearfield® wheat gets a yield boost with the release of AGT’s Razor CL Plus
New AGT variety Razor CL Plus offers yields competitive with Mace and Scepter, along with tolerance to Intervix® herbicide.
- Longsword to remain as feed quality
Longsword's EPR set at $2.75 + GST per tonne.
- Illabo
Illabo (tested as V09150-01) has been bred with the intent of offering growers an improved version of EGA Wedgetail. Illabo offers higher grain yields than EGA Wedgetail, with similar dry matter production.
- First variety launched out of AGT's dedicated winter wheat breeding program
A new dual-purpose, high yielding APH wheat is the first variety to be launched out of AGT’s recently established winter breeding program based at Wagga Wagga.
- Australian farmers set to benefit from AGT's new Southern Crop Breeding Centre
A new, world-leading crop research centre in South Australia will boost prosperity for farmers.
- New wheat variety Sunprime offers a high yielding, fast maturing alternative
A new variety of wheat will give farmers the opportunity to sow later in the season without compromising yields.
- AGT appoints new lupin breeder to Western Australia-based breeding program
Australian Grain Technologies has appointed a new lupin breeder to its Western Australia-based program in Northam on the eve of their first lupin variety release.
- AGT moves to fill soft wheat gap
Australia’s largest plant breeding company has reaffirmed its commitment to Western Australia’s valuable wheat industry with the appointment of a breeder specialising in soft wheats.
- AGT welcomes new Marketing Manager to WA
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is excited to appoint Alana Hartley to the role of Marketing Manager for Western Australia.
- Catapult
Catapult (RAC2484) may be viewed as a 'longer season' Scepter, with a mid-slow maturity allowing growers to achieve Scepter-like yields when sown in late April. Catapult offers a unique mix of features to growers, combining this maturity type with yellow leaf spot resistance, CCN resistance and AH quality (in WA/SA/Vic/sNSW).
- Bitalli
Bitalli (tested as AGTD088) is a 'low risk' durum variety, combining adaptation to a range of environments and growing conditions, excellent grain quality with low screenings risk and high test weights, improved levels of straw strength, whilst setting a new yield benchmark across all Southern Australian durum growing environments.
- Sunchaser
Tested as SUN843E, Sunchaser may be viewed as a 'safer Suntop', offering a much lower risk of screenings, whilst retaining its very wide adaptation, yield and agronomic suitability for QLD and NSW.
- AGT 'Catapults' new variety into market
A high yielding wheat which provides a safer option for dry sowing is part of AGT’s new variety offering for Australian growers.
- Growing for gold with Coyote lupin release
AGT have launched its first narrow-leaf lupin variety Coyote, offering growers in Western Australia a variety with high and stable yields across a range of conditions.
- Coyote
Tested as WALAN2546, Coyote is the first narrow-leaf lupin variety to be released by AGT, offering high and stable yields in lupin growing areas of WA, SA and Victoria.
- Westcourt
Westcourt (tested as AGTD090) is our first durum variety specifically bred to perform in the northern durum growing region, offering a dominant package of yield, disease resistance and grain quality.
- New yield benchmark for southern durum growers
A durum variety released by Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has set a new yield benchmark for growers in southern Australia.
- Sunchaser catches yield advantage for growers
A new high-performing APH quality wheat variety released by Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) offers lower screenings and improved yields, with trial results proving it can outperform its major competitors in key attributes.
- AGT release first durum variety specifically bred for the northern region
A new durum variety with ADR quality classification is setting a new yield benchmark for the northern region.
- Catapult claims AH quality classification in WA
Catapult, AGT's newest wheat variety has now received an Australian Hard (AH) quality classification in Western Australia, ensuring growers will be able to maximise their returns for the variety.
- New partnership breeds healthy wheat for Australia
A new type of wheat which has been specifically bred to offer increased health benefits to humans with 10 times more fibre than standard wheat is on track to enter the Australian food market.
- Sting
Sting is a high yielding, quicker maturing variety, particularly suited to the low-medium rainfall environments of WA.
- Hammer CL Plus
Hammer CL Plus (tested as OAGT0016) is the highest yielding AH Clearfield wheat variety for WA, SA, Vic and southern NSW growers, and shares similar maturity and adaptation to close relative Mace.
- Anapurna
Anapurna is a European variety brought to Australia by AGT which excels in very long season, high rainfall environments throughout the mainland of southern Australia and Tasmania. Anapurna is an awned, dual purpose winter wheat variety with red grain, suitable for feed markets.
- Ballista
Ballista (tested as RAC2598) has been released off the back of outstanding results in our yield trials over many years, offering very high and stable yields in SA and Victoria, particularly for Mallee environments where AH quality, CCN resistance and Mace type maturity are attributes that growers are looking for.
- Coota
Coota (V10100-064), bred by our team at Wagga Wagga, has been released to offer growers an earlier sowing, APH quality wheat variety that maintains high yield potential across NSW.
- Denison
Denison (WAGT734) has been developed by our Northam (WA) breeding team and has emerged out of a Mace/Corack cross. Denison is a slow-very slow spring wheat, a maturity that is very uncommon, but fits the sowing window of mid April in most parts of WA, SA and Victoria.
- Two new high-yielding AH wheat options for WA growers
Wheat growers of Western Australia will have a choice of two new high-yielding Australian Hard (AH) varieties for next season, Sting and Hammer CL Plus.
- Sunflex
Sunflex (tested as SUN862I) is a great fit for the 'early' planting window in NSW and Queensland, maturing slower than LRPB Lancer. Sunflex offers competitive yields and an excellent physical grain quality package, with an APH classification in the Northern Zone and AH classification in the South Eastern Zone.
- Sunblade CL Plus
Sunblade CL Plus (tested as SUN968G) offers a significant step forward in Clearfield wheat varieties for NSW and Queensland, being the first to have an APH quality classification. Bred from Suntop, Sunblade CL Plus offers very high yields relative to all other varieties in the main season sowing window.
- Sunmaster
Sunmaster (tested as SUN972P) has been released on the back of outstanding results in AGT yield trials, out-yielding it's parent Suntop by 6-9% across NSW and Queensland. Sunmaster shares many similarities with Suntop, with an APH quality classification, wide adaptation and mid season maturity. Sunmaster can be viewed as a genuine Suntop replacement.
- Suncentral
Suncentral (tested as SUN972V) is a stand-out performer across the northern region, but particularly in central Queensland where it offers significantly higher yields than other APH quality varieties in the same planting window. Suncentral is quicker maturing than it's parent Suntop, making it an ideal choice for central Queensland and later planting situations throughout all of the northern region.
- Beast
Beast (tested as AGTB0113) is our first ever barley variety, offering very high yields with a vigorous 'Compass' style plant type, which is highly desirable in lower rainfall or Mallee type environments.
- Exciting new options for southern wheat growers
Crop breeding specialist Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is predicting big things from two new AH wheat varieties, Ballista and Hammer CL Plus.
- New barley is a dry climate Beast
A new barley variety is set to enhance the productivity and resilience of barley growing across Australia.
- Four new APH wheat varieties for QLD/NSW growers
AGT have released four new wheat varieties that are tailored to suit the distinctive growing conditions of New South Wales and Queensland.
- Coota released as the APH yield benchmark in southern NSW
The unique growing conditions of southern New South Wales have driven the development of a new high-yielding APH quality wheat variety from Australian Grain Technologies.
- New Beast barley proves its worth in WA
Results from the first commercial planting of Australian Grain Technologies’ (AGT) new Beast barley variety have confirmed its value for growers in challenging environments.
- Anapurna wheat to crack 10 tonne
A new winter wheat from Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is primed to establish itself in the high-rainfall zones of southern Australia with growers expecting impressive yields.
- Cyclops
Cyclops (tested as AGTB0200) has demonstrated exceptional performance across a broad range of regions and seasonal conditions, and has emerged as the clear market leader for barley varieties for WA, SA, Vic and southern NSW
- Minotaur
Minotaur (tested as AGTB0213) enters the market as a clear step-up from RGT Planet, demonstrating adaptation across a broader range of seasonal conditions and regions and a better over-all physical grain quality package.
- Calibre
Calibre (tested as RAC2721) is the first variety derived from Scepter to hit the market and is the next step for growers looking to achieve the gains they made by switching from Mace to Scepter. Calibre also offers a longer coleoptile than it's parent Scepter.
- 'Scepter replacement' shows its Calibre
Wheat growers who reaped the benefits of moving from Mace to Scepter in the past will be able to take another big step forward from next season.
- New barley varieties to boost productivity and profits
Barley growers can look forward to greater yields and improved reliability from next growing season, thanks to the release of two new market leading varieties.
- Yeti barley offers Northern growers a monster yield
Leading field crop breeder Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has announced the release of their new barley variety ‘Yeti’, with unrivalled yields for growers in the northern cropping region.
- New wheat offers unique combination of APH quality and elite yield for southern NSW
A new wheat variety released for 2022 sowing offers southern New South Wales growers the opportunity to produce elite yields of high-value APH quality grain.
- Durum breeding to grow in commercial sector
Durum Breeding Australia (DBA), a national durum breeding program delivered by New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) and the University of Adelaide in partnership with the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), today announced that Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT) has been awarded the license to take the durum breeding program forward.
- Boree
Boree (tested as V09063-47-16) enters the market as the go-to main season wheat option for southern NSW growers looking to increase profitability, offering elite yields, excellent straw strength and APH quality.
- Yeti
Yeti (tested as AGTB0043) sets a new yield benchmark across all northern growing regions, and produces grain with high test weights and excellent grain size. Yeti is related to Compass, but has a shorter plant height, offering improved standability.
- AGT adds experience to executive team
Leading field crop breeder Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) has announced the appointment of two new members to its Roseworthy-based leadership team.
- A new dawn in plant breeding: Australian Plant Breeding Academy
The University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine is partnering with Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT) on a new academy to take Australia’s plant breeding into the future.
- AGT opens the door for new wheat classifications
Great news for wheat growers! Australian Grain Technologies has played a leading role in a recent Wheat Quality Australia (WQA) announcement of new quality classifications.
- AGT Wagga Wagga appoints new Variety Support Officer
AGT is pleased to confirm Darcey Boucher-Hill in newly created role
- New Variety Support Manager for South Australia
Brad Koster takes up key role at AGT Roseworthy
- Partnership to launch new herbicide tolerant system for barley
A new three-way strategic partnership has been formed to launch a new herbicide-tolerant barley production system in Australia and help growers manage difficult weeds such as brome grass, barley grass, wild oats and annual ryegrass.
- Floyd Sullivan joins AGT
AGT welcomes well known WA agriculture identity Floyd Sullivan to newly established variety support role.
- Titan AX
- AGT introduces world first CoAXium® barley variety
Titan AX will be the first barley variety to be released by Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) as part of the CoAXium® Barley Production System, offering tolerance to Aggressor® (a Group 1, Quizalofop-P-Ethyl) herbicide.
- Outlaw
- Bandit TT
- Renegade TT
- AGT offers more choice to growers with new canola varieties
Open Pollinated Canola for Australia: an AGT commitment to better genetics.
- Willaura
- Lawler
- Patron
- AGT on a winner as ‘Patron’ durum hits the market
A new durum variety with elite yield set to blitz the field.
- AGT wheat varieties gain quality classification upgrades
Quality classification upgrades effective for the 2022/2023 harvest
- AGT introduce Willaura wheat – the high rainfall specialist
In recognition of the growing need for slower maturing, milling quality wheat varieties suited to higher rainfall environments of southern Australia, AGT have developed the outstanding new variety, Willaura.
- AGT introduce Lawler – the go-to lupin variety for the Eastern states.
A lupin variety setting a new yield benchmark for the Eastern states has been released by Australia’s largest field crop breeder, Australian Grain Technologies.
- AGT renews commitment to supporting rural communities.
AGT has committed to renew its community donation program for 2023 with community donations of up to $10,000
- AGT ‘game changer’ lupin varieties poised for release
The release of two new lupin varieties for the 2024 season demonstrates AGT’s commitment to the lupin industry.
- Whistleblower Policy
The Board of Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT) recognises that any genuine commitment to detecting and preventing illegal and other undesirable conduct must include, as a fundamental cornerstone, a mechanism whereby employees and others can report their concerns freely and without fear of repercussion.
- Update Grower Details
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about the AGT varieties that you grow. For us to continue to breed field crops that benefit Australian growers, it's important that we understand where and when AGT varieties are grown. This applies to seed sourced through retailers or traded via the AGT Seed Sharing™ marketplace. Please take a few minutes to provide us with your correct details, and to ensure you have understood and completed our Variety License Agreement.
- Rosemont
- Tomahawk CL Plus
- Sundancer
- Leverage
- Lucrative lupin varieties developed in WA
Two new lupin varieties, developed in Western Australia, are set to significantly increase productivity of the state’s most important grain legume.
- Tomahawk CL Plus closes the yield gap
A new wheat variety has been launched that is set to replace currently grown Clearfield® wheat varieties.
- Significant yield improvements offered by new AGT wheat varieties
The varieties Sundancer and Leverage were unveiled at the annual Narrabri Field Day held at the University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute on September 19th, with both raising the bar in yield performance.
- AGT strengthen commitment to plant breeding with land acquisition
Australia’s largest plant breeding company, Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), has secured land ideal for its plant breeding operations with the purchase of 105 hectares near Wasleys, approximately 70kms north-east of Adelaide.
- Malting Barley Accreditation for Minotaur
AGT are pleased to announce the successful malting barley accreditation of Minotaur.
- Intrigue
- Shotgun
- Rottnest
- Avoca
- Ironbark
- Bigfoot CL
- Brighton
- PegasusAX
- Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator